Parks & Rec Outreach
Client: Hood River Valley Parks & Recreation
Agency: In-House
Position: Everything, seriously
Communications Brief
In April 2017, a communications plan was presented to the board of directors. In July, this plan was implemented through email marketing, social media, and traditional materials. Much of this plan included content directed at disseminating information about the condition of the failing Aquatic Center and plans for replacement. Strategy carried out through social media focused on gaining support for Parks & Rec to bring a greater understanding of their role in Hood River County to the community and would positively impact the campaign for pool replacement.
Parks and Rec participated in the 4th of July parade. The theme of "Maywatch" (a fun riff on Baywatch and the street the pool is located on, May Street) was created to draw attention and interest. The float was used to advertise upcoming events and Aquatic Center programs. This exposure to the public is meant to create greater awareness of Parks and Rec's presence in the community and the Master Plan which was launched at the Golden Eagle Park Grand Opening party.
Golden Eagle Park
An energetic campaign on social and traditional media was used to gather attendance for a grand opening party, bolster Parks & Rec's reputation, and launch A Parks Plan for All: the Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation Master Plan project. Social media posts were released based on peak engagement hours for the month leading up to the event. Invitations were sent out to the community using MailChimp. Flyers and handouts were posted and delivered all around the greater Hood River area.